Inspiration for Abundance

Creativity is a gift that doesn’t always have an ‘on’ switch. But when it strikes, I try to make sure I create and enjoy the process. With that here are a few of my favorites I do often when creating abundance. It’s based in intentional rest for me personally as well as gratitude. Mostly though, it’s about bringing joy. Creating and resting, doing things that feel good, give my body and mind a break but bring about happiness.

My daughter loves to color and create with markers, pencils, and paper. She asks me to join her sometimes and most of the time I really enjoy it. But the detail of a adult coloring book is just so peaceful to sketch in for me and is something I need to do even more often honestly. 

I have rediscovered my love of reading the last year or so. I always read lots of nonfiction, but I’m finding some fiction I can enjoy also. My favorite fiction author is still Janet Evanovich. As for non-fiction, there’s many authors I love, but right now I’m reading an advance copy of “Tired of being tired” by Jess Connolly and it’s AMAZING! (book club to come with personal insights from Jess herself since I get weekly zooms with her for the launch team). Reading while my son plays in the mornings has become part of our routine and once it’s consistently warmer outside I’m looking forward to him playing in the yard or on the deck while I read on that patio furniture with my coffee. (This was a last summer favorite also)

I enjoy writing and lately it’s been my go-to for when creativity hits. I have emails drafted, notes in my phone of posts, random thoughts to expand on, and google docs with stories started. I’ve been trying to find a way to convey all I have to say and share, and these newsletters have been such a wonderful outlet and start. This spring you’ll find more of my routine, how I continue to cultivate abundance even in challenging times, and more of military life for our family. 

If you’re loving what you’re seeing and craving more abundance in your own life, grab your own copy of Simply Grateful and start your journey and practice with me.

Until next time,


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