Hi Friend! It’s been a bit since I’ve sent some motivation or inspiration. I honestly haven’t felt that inspirational lately and I want to send you quality and not just a bunch of random emails for you to read (or ignore… ha-ha). To gain back some of my personal motivation and inspiration I’ve had to change the way I do some things. I’ve tweaked my personal self-care and changed how that happens. I am resting a heck of a lot more. And I’m actively letting go of my guilt about performance and not putting my worth in tasks that are accomplished and the to do list. None of that dictates my worth anyway and it certainly wasn’t helping me the last few months. Sometimes I think we are afraid to restart, try something new, or have fear that it won’t work so we chose not to put the effort in because our society has let us believe that if we fail then that time we spent on the change, the new thing was somehow a waste. IT’S NOT A WASTE! Part of what is helping with this entire shift is allowing myself to rest. Now let me tell you, in the last few months, I’ve failed at rest and recovering a lot. I get antsy and start knocking more off the to do list, find another project. Or feel completely guilty that I’m ‘just sitting’ and not doing. Progress isn’t linear and it’s not a straight line. Progress is progress though. And I have been able to a few more hobbies lately and have been enjoying reading a lot more for fun. All that to say, I invite you to rest. Allow your body and mind to be restored and start eliminating things on the to do list that simply don’t need to be on there. Yes, the dishes do need to be done eventually and so does the laundry, but what can be taken off that doesn’t need to actually be done? What in the schedule can be said no to so you can emotionally and mentally be better balanced? Let’s start there… together. Know that if you ever have questions—I’m only an email away. Samantha |