August open book

How is it August already? It’s been 6 months since I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. It’s been 6 months of learning how my body really needs me to fuel it, to exercise it, and treat it. I had been doing the same things for a while, working out and eating like I did before Reagan was born, the way I was able to get the results and body I wanted, and feel amazing in my own skin, have energy, and enjoy life. The kicker here… is that aside from a little weight loss here and there (seriously minor scale changes and inches changes) I wasn’t seeing any results postpartum. This was 2.5 years of this. What I didn’t realize is that what my body needed had DRASTICALLY changed. Not just in hormones… that’s been way different since my acne is now major and hormone related… but also in how my body is responding to the stressors I am allow it to be exposed to. Workouts are a stressor to the body… a good one, but still a stress. I’ve had to take a step back, lift lighter, in different tempos, with different trainers, and in different blocks than ever before. This is making me stronger… slowly… I can now lift the heavier weights without draining all my energy during the workouts. I’m finally feeling energized from my workouts again and not beat down from them. It’s take 6 freaking months of this! And if I’m being really honest it’s been almost 3 years of frustrations from this.
I don’t write this and share it for pity, but to help you know you are not alone in your struggles. We all have goals. We all want to be better. We all want more out of life. But what happens when sometimes, what we are doing isn’t helping? I chose not to quit! I fought for answers, and researched more than I wanted to in order to do better for my body. And it’s slowly paying off. No I’m not suddenly down the 15 pounds I still “should” lose to have a healthier BMI and BFP. THAT’S OKAY! My body is strong! It’s recovering faster from my workouts than every before. It’s sleeping better, longer, more soundly. It’s being fueled with plant based foods 80% of the time and allowing me to live life and enjoy everything. It’s about knowing my body is able to work with me, but I also have to work with it and help it as much as I can.
These past 6 months of newness and feeling like I’ve been restarting have been an important part of my journey. One that isn’t done, one that will change again I’m sure and continue to be challenging. But it’s also one that has taught me the very most about what my confidence and “happiness” means. That I don’t need a certain weight to be those things, that I don’t need a certain size clothes. That my body is amazing and does so much for me everyday! I just have to appreciate it more on my way to crushing those next strength goals.

Doing: Life never slows down… it’s the constant you can depend on. We traveled lots with my mom here and enjoyed all our time together. Now we wait for my husband to come back home after being gone 3+ weeks for work. Solo parenting an almost 3 year old sure is interesting and never dull. She’s had all the big emotions this last month and we are doing lots of cuddles and time together to help her through what she needs currently.

Reading: When I drive I listen to audio books. Sometimes it’s a non-fiction read, but more often than not its a humorous mystery to keep me awake, attentive, and entertained on the drive. Janet Evanovich is my GO-TO! I just finished both 26 and 27 in her Stephanie Plum series, and will move onto book 7 in her Fox and O’Hare series next. She’s a fun writer and I’m also laughing with her books.
Eating: Added in more of my ultimate reset recipes since AJ is gone currently and I can eat all the meatless meals I want without cooking extra meals for him. I meal prep a lot when he’s gone because it makes lunches and dinners with Reagan and sleep routines easier and less stressful. I’m one person… I can only do so much. So I prepped salmon and rice with veggies (not vegan I know, but I love salmon), rice and beans with seasoning, and zucchini cashew soup for this week along with my salads. This type of eating has made a huge difference on my overall health, gut health, and energy levels. Check out a great explanation as to why it’s helped me below.
Workouts: I’ve started our brand new program from Amolia Caesar. IT’S AMAZING TO SAY THE LEAST! Check out the link below to get to know more about this pro NBA trainer and guru on functional fitness training. It’s helping me keep my focus of mobility, movement, and not over training in check and getting me stronger in the process. Win-Win-Win!
Here’s 10 of the best hip stretches to try at home and help easy back and hip soreness.
There’s still time to join my studio with this program! You’ll get a free copy of “Superlife” from me, and $45 back once you complete the program too! Check out the sample workout below and let me know if you want to join in the fun!
645 options PLUS studio access

Check out all previous months on the article feed and find great recipes, tips, travel fun and more.

September brings back routines, schedules, school, sports and more. We will focus on how to fit yourself into the schedules and day to day busyness so you don’t feel burnt out before you even start.
If you have enjoyed this share it! I’d love to help others I wouldn’t be able to reach on my own!
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