When life gets busy…

Life has been BUSY! We had our little boy on April 9th in a freak snow storm that hit Germany. Reagan was beyond happy with the snow and friends to keep her busy while we spent the weekend in the hospital. He’s perfect and made by God. We proceeded to have a few weeks at home then shipped all of our household goods (including our bed.. let me tell you that is what we all miss most in this transition… our bed). Traveled to Holland for a weekend and saw the tulips and windmills, Belgium for a week to see AJ’s parents and spend time with them, then back to our craziness of shipping the UAB (unaccompanied baggage – basically the tiny kitchen items and such we kept survive the last few weeks in our house) and I’m currently writing this letter in our hotel room…one day before we fly out and back to the states. It’s been the most rewarding 3 years of living here, with so much personal growth and learning along the way. We are a mix of emotions as we leave a foreign country that we have truly called our home for 3 years and felt so welcome and safe in. Tomorrow we embark on our next adventure of an international flight with two kids, a dog, two adults, and so much luggage… picking up our car at the port upon arrival and driving back to the Midwest.

With so much going on in our lives, it’s hard to find time to be good to ourselves. We all get busy and let our lives be run by our calendars more than us choosing what we want in our lives daily.
So, what does “be good to yourself” really mean?
It’s taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional health. It’s showing the same understanding and compassion for yourself that you have for others. It’s releasing the pressure you put on yourself to be perfect.
So, to help with being better to yourself, a new program has been created.
It’s called FIRE&FLOW.
It’s designed to take the stress and frustration out of getting/staying healthy and fit.
- 4-Week program
- Designed to bring more balance and joy into your life while getting/staying in shape
- 25-30 minute workouts
- 6 workouts per week
- You’ll alternate between Jericho’s intense FIRE workouts and Elise’s stress-reducing FLOW sessions
- This allows you to go hard, but still have time to recover and rejuvenate
- WORK OUT, not burn out (light, medium, and heavy dumbbells; resistance loops)
- 4-Week Journal: 5 minute self-care prompts and habit tracker
- Full-body workouts (strength and cardio training), as well as recovery, mobility, and core strength
- Designed for ANY fitness level
- 4 BONUS WORKOUTS that target abs, glutes, arms, and flexibility
My favorite part is the journal and the mindset work that is a focus of this program. It’s not just about physical results, or some workout that will help you lose weight. It’s about health! Whole health! Making your body healthy from the inside so you can live your BEST life!

Doing: Trying to keep our toddler active and busy while we pack up and get everything done for an international move is a challenge; especially with a newborn. This move has been challenging. Each time we’ve moved so far… (4 times in 5 years) we have leaned on knowing it’s what our path is that God has set for us and that we are meant to go be a light and blessing in our next community. I still believe that, but leaving our live here in Europe is harder that the previous moves. We have thrived here, made the best of friends; who are now family, and we don’t want to leave this culture behind. We are so thankful for these experiences and how much more open minded and knowledgeable we are of the world coming back “home” to our new state.

Reading: I am starting a Bible study called “The Lies Women Believe” with my team and also reading Jennie Allen’s “Find Your People”. Both are amazing!
Eating: We are eating as clean as we can with enjoying our favorites from Germany before we leave. And once we are in our new house our fridge and pantry will be stocked according to our Gut Protocol plans so that we can reset our bodies, get back to feeling our absolute best, and find out if we have any foods that don’t serve our bodies the way we thought they did.
Workouts: I have been doing postnatal barre workouts and lots of walking. It’s been what my body can handle with all the moving and packing and stress. I’m also very excited about FIRE & FLOW and will be starting it with my exclusive test group in just over a week. It’s a program from my two favorite trainers and combines rest, recovery, mindset, and high intensity all in one. Love that I can start my weight lifting again postpartum with Jericho and Elise. It’s the best!

Check out all previous months on the article feed and find great recipes, tips, travel fun and more.

April will bring our little family a new baby, some extra family time, our last travels in Europe and our prep for our move. So look forward to some real life family and travel tips I use, as well as moving tips and tricks.
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