It’s Live!

Welcome to Inside Happiness with Samantha Mans. I’ve been coaching and focused on living a healthy lifestyle that is about living fully, happily, joyfully, and isn’t focused on the outward appearance or that damn number on the scale for over 4 years now. I’ve learned a lot, lost, gained, and all the things.
This newsletter is for YOU! For MY people that don’t just want products, or sales pitches, or things, but want tangible tips and tricks delivered to their inbox that they can utilize for FREE.
My goal with this is to share more value to you! Share more tips that work not only for me, but my family. Share new exciting things that are happening in my fitness and nutrition world that might help your journey. To give recipes that I have actually tried and LOVE. To share life, actual life. I’m not one to share only the highlight reel on social media as it is and this will be no different. You will get the real me because that’s the ONLY ME there is. And I’ll sprinkle in some “fun” from across the pond when we finally get out of lockdowns and can explore more. Being a military spouse sure is a different, challenging, and sometimes rewarding journey; it’s apart of my lifestyle so that will be sprinkled in here as you get to know me even more.
I hope you’ll subscribe to having this happiness brought to your inbox monthly as a deeper dive into life and health. Living life more fully in the ways that are important to YOU through respecting your body and fueling it for whole health.
I can’t wait to dive in with you my friend!
With love to you,
Samantha Mans

Reading: Janet Evanovich is my favorite fiction author and I’m reading Twisted Twenty-Six in her Plum series. I also love Lysa Terkeurst and am reading Forgiving what you can’t Forget. Bible study right now is After the boxes are unpacked by Susan Miller and it’s filled with practical tips you can implement for your moves (military or not!).

Eating: I usually balance my macros… but my body had a lot of inflammation and it simply needed a change. This last month I have dived in to our Ultimate Reset and eating full plant based, fueling my body for low inflammation and resetting my gut back to factory settings without having to run to the bathroom, juice everything, or feel hungry. It’s been almost indiscernibly the clarity and energy it’s given me.
Workouts: oddly enough the last 21 days of doing this reset and being hyper focused on fueling my body I have taken off from working out. It’s weird, it’s uncomfortable for me, and it’s been so lifegiving to let my body finally rest aside from some hikes and walks. I did however try our newest sample workout this week and it was really fun. Again so out of my comfort zone with the style of workout, but so so fun! Give it a try!
Doing: While we are still in lockdowns here in Germany and longing and dreaming of our adventures that take us out of the country, we have enjoyed hikes in the farm lands, and to near by castles and ruins. We also went to a local Palace for Easter to walk the gardens. Getting outside has been a must for us lately.

No! Not yet. This is the first of the Newsletter. But if you’re looking to jumpstart any of your health journey I have complimentary workouts and meal plans for YOU!

Next month (May… meaning a few short weeks away) I will dive into how I’ve been fueling my body lately in light of a lot of personal struggles over the last bit medically. It’s been so enlightening and has helped me so much in seeing how my body is truly responding to it’s fuel. Plus it’s nothing crazy or part of some crash diet…spoiler alert…. I HATE THOSE!
I have found some amazing new recipes I want to share also because they are so easy and fast and simple and even I (I’m not the greatest cook…trust me) have made them and enjoyed them.

If you have enjoyed this share it! I’d love to help others I wouldn’t be able to reach on my own!
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Facebook: @happinessunleashedwithsam
Instagram: @happiness_samantha_mans
Clubhouse: @samanthamans