Want to know a secret? I’ve got two to share!

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Want to know a poorly kept secret?
I’m not perfect!

My last email blast… it had 5 typo errors. And that was after it sent and I had proofed it. (Que head slap)

Oh well. Too late now that it sent. But that’s okay. I still consider myself new to the email blasts, new to the blogging, new to creating this type of content. I’m learning. I take classes, try new things, delete way more than I care to admit. But it’s fun! It’s filling my heart and soul and I’m getting to share more of what I want to share with you. I’m creating things that help create happiness in more areas of life! Sure healthy foods and fitness is where I started. It’s where I still am in a lot of ways because I love feeling good; but I’ve expanded because I feel called to do more. Help more. And share more. Thank you for barring with me through typos, broken links, and all the growing pains that will continue.
With that being said, I have an exciting announcement to share with you. The kids edition of Simply Grateful is published! It’s here! And I’m so honored to help your children gain more tools to help their minds and hearts be healthier, whole, loved, and confident. Can’t wait to have you experience such an amazing practice.take 15% your purchase
They say business isn’t personal, but it’s personal to me. Every time someone joins my list, I notice. Truly, you made my day when you signed up for the newsletter. I wanted to give you a little something to make your day, too. Here’s a coupon good for 15% off your purchase from Happiness Unleashed LLC. Use code HAPPINESS15 when you check out.
SHOP NOWImage itemdon't miss out, friend!Samantha

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