It’s Fall…Mostly

I would normally start by apologizing that this letter is so late, but I’m not that sorry this month for that. It’s been insanely busy here with “operation allied refugees” as we care for and provide security to tens of thousands of afghans as they transit our military community to their next or new destination. It’s been an emotional toll, a physical toll, and beyond heartbreaking. I’ve had the opportunity to work along side these individuals and see first hand their pain, relief, worry, fear, and thankfulness as they have to literally start over with a new life, in a new country, with nothing. It’s taken up our lives and the lives of those around us for the last month and it’s not going to be done any time soon. It’s got our service members working 12 hours shifts with no days off so far. But in all the chaos there has been so much beauty and grace and unity. Our community here has banded together over night and taken on feeding our service members on all shifts and meals, donated more than we ever imagined (much with your help back stateside! THANK YOU!) Volunteered countless hours to sort, distribute, and help where ever needed. It’s been truly beautiful to see the community come together over the humanitarian efforts that were needed with no notice and no initial plan.
We are surviving on leftovers from meal prepping. Thank goodness we meal prep! We plugged in the air fryer each weekend and have made chicken, steak, and brats for our proteins for the week. We cook up frozen veggies by the large bag full, and always have fruits for quick grabs. Thank goodness for our shakes that go anywhere to and provide dense nutrition because we need it now for sure. Meal planning and prepping doesn’t have to be extravagant, or pretty. It needs to be functional. Simple, easy to put together combos of proteins and veggies makes our life flow better when it’s crazy busy. It means our bodies are fueled and given the energy to carry on our days.
Send me a email if you need more ideas tailored to you or your family! I love helping others with their nutrition and making it work for them, in simple ways.

R turns 3 tomorrow! We managed a small birthday party for her over the weekend and she’s been loving the extra daycare and playtime with friends as mommy and daddy are taking on too many things. Our PWOC here started and since I’m on the executive board that’s been super busy too in the best way! So excited to dive in this week to our Bible studies with these women.

I am reading my Bible study book “Reading Isaiah with Luther”. It’s amazing and having Luther’s quoted commentary on Isaiah is such a treat to read through. I’m also starting the book “I am Here” by Ashley Lemieux. It’s about the journey from fear to freedom and the reviews are incredible. Lastly I’m diving in to “A Rhythm of Prayer” for some inspiration as I create our devotionals for our PWOC mornings. I love that it’s a variety of different writing styles all compiled together.

Like I said above we are focused on super simple meal prepping and proteins and veggies. I’ll link one of our favorite recipe go-to here for you.
I’m on week 7 of our newest program from Amolia Caesar. IT’S AMAZING TO SAY THE LEAST! It’s helping me keep my focus of mobility, movement, and not over training in check and getting me stronger in the process. Win-Win-Win! It’s not over training my muscles, letting me recover fully. I’m not sore which is amazing and I don’t feel drained of energy from the workouts. I can only say good things about it because it’s been so good to my body and mind so far. Here are my results from just the first 4 weeks:

There’s still time to join my studio with this program! You’ll get a free copy of “Superlife” from me, and $45 back once you complete the program too! Check out the sample workout below and let me know if you want to join in the fun!
645 options PLUS studio access

Check out all previous months on the article feed and find great recipes, tips, travel fun and more.

September was suppose to be about routines and schedules…. haha… I should know by now to realize that our life in general, and especially with the military will always have something new to keep use crazy busy. So for October I’ll share some favorite fall treats and we will see where life takes us.
If you have enjoyed this share it! I’d love to help others I wouldn’t be able to reach on my own!
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