It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

I honestly love the holiday season and all the joy that surrounds it. Seeing the wonder and happiness through the eyes of my daughter has brought even more fun to this time of year for both my husband and I. But for many the holidays brings a lot of stress. What to get for gifts, and how to stay healthy while enjoying the holiday treats and parties are two of those stressors.

For me, I enjoy finding great gifts for others; but this year we went very practical and for many of the family it was the same gifts for everyone. New gloves, an ornament, German goodies, and a note of love instead of extravagant things. Christmas gifts that are thoughtful and from the heart will always win in my book.

Those pesky holiday treats and fun, but over indulgent parties… why not flip the way we think of them? Enjoy a little of everything, but not a huge mound of it all, enjoy the presence of the people you’re with and the conversation. Have one drink, and then try the other non-alcoholic options also. Enjoy the sweet treats! Enjoy the sweet time with people you love. One party, one meal, one day of treats won’t ruin your progress. Don’t let it turn into days on end of not fueling your body intentionally, but enjoy this time of year.

Since you are life family and get all the information FIRST… Our little baby bean…. is a BOY! We are beyond excited to welcome Jaxston John Mans in early April 2022. Jut before we move and enter a new season of life back in the states. But we aren’t there yet…

Doing: We have gone to 7 markets this year, before many of them have closed in our local area due to more lockdowns and new rules for this winter cold season. But we are enjoying lots of Christmas crafts, baking, and family time.

Reading: I just started the book “You are the Girl for the Job” By Jess Connolly. It’s pure fire! She uses her faith, the TRUTH of God and how we are called for purpose in this life to light fire within your heart.

Eating: In true pregnancy fashion… and this baby being wildly different that my daughter… food is a struggle. I personally focus on my proteins first for sustaining energy and then work on veggies and fruit. But don’t forget those carbs! They are also needed for energy.

Workouts: I just started a brand new test group with my clients and team for JOB1. It’s a 20 minutes workout. 5 times a week. I’m loving how fast it is, how effective it is. How engaged and fun the trainer is. Use the link to try it out and learn more. And let me know if you need a fast, effective, and short workout during this crazy busy holiday season.

JOB1 sample workout

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Check out all previous months on the article feed and find great recipes, tips, travel fun and more.

January will be about my take on “new year’s resolutions” and how we can make bettering ourselves last, less fad-like, and truly healthy for us.

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